BASES AGM Invite to all members

8th November 2018

The Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the British Association of Sport and Exercise Sciences

When: Tuesday 27 November 2018, 17:30 - 18:30

Where: Harrogate Convention Centre, King's Suite

Chair: Prof Richard Tong FBASES


1. Apologies (please email

2. Minutes of the previous meeting dated 28 November 2017 and Matters Arising

3. Brief report on the activities of BASES including BASES financial statements 2017-2018
(BASES Annual Report and Financial Statements)

4. Amendments to the Rules of the Association – new membership category

3. Membership Categories, Fees and Eligibility
3.7 Affiliate Organisation
is open to schools, colleges, NGBs, private companies and sports clubs with an interest in sport and exercise science. (£39 x direct debit and £44 x non-direct debit)

5. Announcement of the new Division Chairs

6. Any Other Business**

** Any Other Business items must be raised in advance of the meeting with the BASES Office ( by 16:00 on Monday 19 November.


BASES stands for the British Association of Sport and Exercise Sciences. BASES is the professional body for sport and exercise sciences in the UK.

Contact us
  • Rooms G07 and G08 Fairfax Hall, Leeds Beckett University, Headingley Campus. Headingley, Leeds LS6 3QT
  • 07838 153258