BASES Multi-disciplinary Webinar Series - Overview

3rd December 2020

Throughout November 2020, BASES ran a global Multidisciplinary Webinar Series, hosting 13 online webinars as part of our commitment to support the wider sport and exercise community during the COVID-19 crisis and recovery. These webinars were presented by leading speakers from a broad range of topics relevant to all the sport and exercise science divisions. Please click here to see a list of the topics and speakers across the series.

The series saw over 2,703 members and non-members sign up via the BASES website, with 1,225 delegates attending the live webinars. At the time of writing, the recorded webinars on the members’ area of the BASES website have been viewed over 200 times already.

Feedback from delegates was strong, with those responding across the series awarding an average of 4.2 stars out of 5. 95% of delegates said they were likely / very likely to attend future BASES webinars.

Delegates clearly appreciated the range of topics and the expertise of the presenters. Feedback quotes included:

  • ‘The content was really relatable and useful.’
  • ‘I really learnt a lot from it and will use the content from this going forward.’
  • ‘Very informative, well delivered and great quality in terms of production.’
  • ‘Felt reassured and after the session I joined BASES as I felt so alone in the field but now am reassured.’

The expertise within the webinars was also appreciated by the delegates:

  • ‘I’m a student studying Sport and Exercise Science and I thought it was delivered in a way that anyone could understand it, not just those already working in elite sport.’
  • ‘Great content, easy to follow for academics and practitioners, plenty of ideas for my own MSc project this year.’
  • ‘It was a very specific webinar and relevant to my needs as a P.E. teacher working with young children.’
  • ‘The presenters were incredibly knowledgeable and their style of presenting really kept my interest. The topics covered were good. I enjoyed the examples given.’

In support of Sport and Exercise Science community during the COVID 19 pandemic the live webinars were offered free to watch for BASES members and for Non-members. Over 87% of non-members who attended the webinars stated they were interested in joining BASES. Quotes included:

  • ‘Haven't engaged with BASES since leaving HE study so this has been a fantastic opportunity! Excellently presented content.’
  • ‘I've been very impressed with all the BASES webinars this month and have just joined BASES as a result.’

Members can access all of the webinar recordings via the member-only website. Any individuals or organisations that don’t have BASES membership can purchase the webinar recordings by clicking this link.


BASES stands for the British Association of Sport and Exercise Sciences. BASES is the professional body for sport and exercise sciences in the UK.

Contact us
  • Rooms G07 and G08 Fairfax Hall, Leeds Beckett University, Headingley Campus. Headingley, Leeds LS6 3QT
  • 07838 153258