Climate change and sustainability: Shaping practice across the Sport and Exercise Science sector
11th May 2023
Working with colleagues at Anglia Ruskin University (ARU), the BASES Climate Change Action Team would like to share a research survey with our members in association with the following project titled - Climate change and sustainability: Shaping practice across the Sport and Exercise Science (SES) sector.
Over the last decade, several UK scientific and professional bodies have highlighted the seriousness of climate change and sustainability, and therefore the need for action. Given the increasing threat of climate change to global health, there is an urgent need for scientific and professional bodies to work collaboratively and assist in reversing/preventing the devastating effects of climate change before temperatures exceed a critical point. A significant action that scientific and professional bodies can take is to provide sector and thought leadership by shaping the curriculum in their subject area in relation to climate change and sustainability, of which, BASES influences Higher Education programmes through its Undergraduate Endorsement Scheme (BUES).
This research project aims to create guiding principles for climate change and sustainability education to be used across all undergraduate levels and that in which can be shared across all BASES accredited SES courses. For further information, and if you would like to take part in the survey, please click on the following link or scan the QR code below.

If you agree to participate in the survey (c. 15 minutes to complete), you will be presented with a series of questions using an online platform, where you will be required to tick boxes to register your response regarding the importance of climate change and sustainability initiatives. Once collected, the data will be analysed to understand attitudes towards climate change and sustainability initiatives across our sector. Your data will be anonymised, and we will not be able to identify you from the responses you provide. The survey will remain open until 15 July 2023.