Orthopaedic Research Grant Opportunities 2022
5th May 2022
We have been made aware through Orthopaedic Research UK, a UK based charity aiming to invest in our collective future movement through research & innovations, education and partnerships, of a number of research grant opportunities that are currently available. Applications are invited from professionals working in the musculoskeletal field including clinical and scientific academics, orthopaedic surgeons, allied health professionals, physiotherapists, start-up companies and Trauma and Orthopaedic trainees. Please note that many of the application deadlines are this month.
Early-Career Research Fellowship
Deadline: Friday, 27 May 2022 at 17:00
Who can apply: Early-career clinical and scientific academics who have successfully completed their PhD or MD (less than 8 years ago).
The Early-career Research Fellowship is designed to support the brightest and best academic talents interested in advancing MSK research in the UK.
· Help establish researchers’ academic independence and international reputation
· Develop ambassadors for ORUK and support them to become future MSK leaders
· Funding of up to £110K over 2 years
We will fund up to four fellowships (dependent on the quality and requested budget)
Find out more here: https://oruk.org/research/early-career-research-fellowship/

Inspiration Fund
Deadline: Friday, 27 May 2022 at 17:00
Who can apply: Orthopaedic surgeons, physiotherapists, AHPs and scientists.
The Inspiration Fund is designed to support innovative and patient engaging projects, addressing patients’ unmet needs. Projects should aim to reduce MSK pain, improve function, decrease healthcare costs, and improve quality of life.
· Must involve patients (or data linked to patients) with bone, joint or muscle conditions
· Must be an evidence-based research project
· Must take place in the UK
· Funding of up £50K over 1 year
We will fund up to five projects (dependent on the quality and requested budget).
Find out more: https://oruk.org/research/oruk-inspiration-fund/

The Ronald Furlong Fund
Deadline: Friday, 27 May 2022 at 17:00
Who can apply: Start-ups with passionate and driven individuals with game-changing ideas.
The Ronald Furlong Fund is designed to support entrepreneurs accelerate innovative and commercially viable ideas to solve the unmet needs of society around bone, joint and muscle wellbeing.
· Must be backed by evidence-based research or developing it
· Must be a UK-based start-up
· Must have a business and financial plan
· Funding of up to 100K
· ORUK may ask for equity in the company and the amount will be negotiated at the final stage depending on various business factors, e.g., size, stage of development, nature of the activity, etc.
We will fund up to one start-up (dependent on the quality and requested budget).
Find out more: https://oruk.org/research/ronald-furlong-fund/

Joint Partnership Funds
The British Hip Society / ORUK Research Fellowship 2022
Deadline: Friday, 13th May 2022
The British Hip Society (BHS) and Orthopaedic Research UK (ORUK) are offering a two-year research fellowship to commence in August 2022/ Feb 2023. This is a full-time funded fellowship of £55,000 per year and it is expected that the applicant will be a trainee in Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery in the UK.
The purpose of the research must be to explore the NAHR data with meaningful hypothesis and examine the results of hip preservation surgery. The successful candidate will be expected to register for study towards a higher degree from a UK University.
You will work closely with the BHS/NAHR/ORUK Research Committee and NAHR board to ensure the goals and outputs of the research align with their requirements.
Find out more: https://britishhipsociety.com/bhs-nahr-oruk-research-fellowship/

ORUK/RCSEd Research Fellowship in Orthopaedics
Deadline: Wednesday, 20th July 2022 by 23:59
Applications for the Joint Orthopaedic Research UK (ORUK) and the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh (RCSEd) Research Fellowship in Orthopaedics are invited from suitably qualified and experienced young surgeons in the field of Orthopaedics. This fellowship is intended to support innovative research aiming to advance orthopaedic knowledge.
Applicants must be a Member or Fellow of the College in good standing. Surgical trainees who are within a year of completing the MRCS and intend to join the RCSEd are also eligible.
Find out more: https://oruk.org/research/joint-partnership-funds/