Survey on patient compliance with prescribed exercise
23rd July 2020
Professor Stephen Bird FBASES has advised us that researchers at RMIT University, Melbourne are seeking the help of clinical exercise scientists in their research into the facilitators and barriers to patient engagement in their own healthcare.
This particular research project is investigating the potential barriers and facilitators to patients complying with prescribed exercise. As exercise professionals, you will be aware that patients do not always comply 100% with prescribed exercise, and the researchers are seeking your perceptions of what these facilitators and barriers to compliance may be. Please note that the researchers are seeking your perceptions to facilitators and barriers under ‘normal’ conditions of socialising and exercising - they are not investigating the impact of COVID-10 restrictions and limitations.
The questionnaire should take 15 - 20 minutes to complete, and its objectives are to help inform exercise prescription and clinical trials involving exercise prescription. This is part of a larger research programme, and they intend to undertake a similar survey with patients at a suitable time in the future.
To complete the survey please go to this link. Please note, it may take ~30 seconds to load the Qualtrics page.
Ethics approval has been granted to recruit via BASES.
Thank you for your time.