
University of Essex

South East

Centre for Sports and Exercise Science, Wivenhoe Park, Colchester, Essex, CO4 3SQ

+44 (0)1206 872051



The Centre for Sport and Exercise Science achieved 24/24 in the 2001 teaching quality assessment and was ranked 3rd in the June 2004 Education Guardian league tables. We offer two BSc degrees (Sport and Exercise Science, and Sports Science and Biology) and a variety of taught and research based postgraduate programmes. The MSc in Sports Science (Fitness and Health) is a conversion course for graduates from other disciplines, whereas the MRes prepares Sports and Exercise Science graduates for a career (or further degree) in research, Sports Science support, or Exercise and Health. We offer research degrees in most areas of Sport and Exercise Science, particularly those associated with our Health, Exercise and Active Life Research Unit. The special features of the Centre are its friendly, well-informed and enthusiastic staff, its comprehensively equipped laboratories and its easy access to the excellent sports and social facilities of Essex's lively single-site campus.

Undergraduate contact
Dr Caroline Angus/Dom Mickelwright

Undergraduate email

Postgraduate contact
Dr Caroline Angus/Dom Mickelwright

Postgraduate email

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BASES stands for the British Association of Sport and Exercise Sciences. BASES is the professional body for sport and exercise sciences in the UK.

Contact us
  • Rooms G07 and G08 Fairfax Hall, Leeds Beckett University, Headingley Campus. Headingley, Leeds LS6 3QT
  • 07838 153258