University of Birmingham
West Midlands
Edgbaston, Birmingham, B15 2TT
+44 (0)121 414 7805
Our School of Sport, Exercise and Rehabilitation Sciences is one of the longest established in Europe for scientific research into sport, exercise, health and rehabilitation. In 1946 we became the first university in the UK to offer a degree in Sport and Exercise Sciences that extended beyond the boundaries of Physical Education. We are ranked number one in the UK in The Sunday Times and The Times Good University Guide 2015 for sport science. Our research underpins our teaching and investigates topical issues such as the workings of the healthy body and the way in which physical activity promotes health and wellbeing. We are proud to be at the forefront of the rapid development of this academic discipline. The School's recent successful performance in the Research Excellence Framework 2014 (REF 2014) places us consistently in the top three for research in the sector. Research investigates topical issues such as the workings of the healthy body and the way in which physical activity promotes health and well-being. Our teaching was also rated excellent by HEFCE in their assessment of teaching quality in UK universities. Birmingham boasts one of the largest custom built Sport, Exercise and Rehabilitation Sciences facilities in the UK. This includes teaching and research laboratories for physiology, biochemistry, psychophysiology, biomechanics, sport psychology, motor skills, immunology, muscle mechanics and the neurophysiology of movement.
Undergraduate contact
Sarah Webb
Undergraduate email
Postgraduate contact
Richard Swain
Postgraduate email
- BSc (Hons) Applied Golf Management Studies
- BSc Physiotherapy
- BSc Sport, Exercise and Health Sciences
- BSc Sport, Physical Education and Coaching Science
- MRes Clinical Health Research
- MRes Exercise and Sport Sciences
- MSc Physiotherapy (pre-registration)
- MSc Advanced Manipulative Physiotherapy
- MSc Physical Education and Wellbeing
- MRes Spinal Pain