BASES Sport and Exercise Scientist Re-Accreditation
BASES Re-accreditation recognises that an accredited individual has already demonstrated that they possess the knowledge, skills and understanding necessary to practice safely, effectively and independently as a sport and exercise scientist.
Re-accreditation requires the applicant to demonstrate continued delivery of services and continued development as a practitioner via:
- Continued application and delivery
- On-going record of personal development activities and subsequent reflection
- Feedback from mentors/clients.
If your accreditation lapses by no longer than three years, you can apply for re-accreditation covering the previous 5 years of work up to the submission point.
Why maintain your BASES Accreditation?
BASES Accreditation supports the maintenance and enhancement of professional and ethical standards in sport and exercise sciences and is recognised as the benchmark professional standard within the sport and exercise science sector. It is increasingly becoming an essential requirement for many employers in the field, such as the English Premier League and the UK Sports Institute.
On successfully renewing as a BASES Accredited Sport and Exercise Scientist you can continue to be listed on the BASES Consultant Finder on our website and remain a Chartered Scientist. BASES Accredited members can use the title BASES Accredited Sport and Exercise Scientist.
How to submit for BASES Re-Accreditation
There are two application submission windows each year: 1 December - 6 January and 1 June - 1 July (we are unable to accept applications after these deadlines).
Please download and complete the Re-accreditation application documents, then upload and submit your application via the online form.
The application fee is £105.00.
Information relating to BASES credits can be found here and full details can be found in the Re-accreditation Guidelines which you are strongly advised to read before submitting an application.
How do I switch category upon Re-Accreditation?
It is not uncommon for a Sport and Exercise Scientist to change their job role and/or category. As such, BASES recognises the importance of supporting applicants who wish to do so.
Our Accreditation Advisory Group has endorsed the creation of these supplementary documents to be uploaded along with the usual Re-Accreditation documents via the application form.
Please note, for quality assurance, if an applicant is applying for a different discipline (eg. physiology/biomechanics) than the one currently Accredited, they must make a NEW BASES Accreditation application.
How do I renew my Chartered Scientist (CSci) status?
You can apply to renew your Chartered Scientist status by using our online form. Please visit our Chartered Scientist page for more information.
CSci application submission windows are the same as those for BASES Accreditation and Re-accreditation:
1 December to 6 January or 1 June to 1 July.
When will I know the outcome of my application?
We notify applicants via email in either April (for January submissions) or September (for July submissions) after Accreditation Committee meetings have taken place.